Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Another dead hero.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they've begun to question, 'Is this real, or is this just a ride?', and other people have remembered, and they've come back to us and they say 'Hey, don't worry. Don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.' and we KILL THOSE PEOPLE.
"Shut him up! We have alot invested in this ride! SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account, and my family. This just has to be real."
It's just a ride.
But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that. You ever noticed that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because ... It's just a ride.
And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear wants you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead see all of us as one.
Here's what we can do to change the world right now, to a better ride:
Take all that money we spent on weapons and defense each year and instead spend it feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and WE CAN EXPLORE SPACE, TOGETHER, BOTH INNER AND OUTER, forever ... in peace.
-- Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994)
he would have been more famous if there was a cure for cancer.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Gol.Un strigat se aude...
Notele unei melodii funebre imi anunta parca: asta seara,inca un viol.Ciudat,ascult melodia asta de ani in sir...uneori o fredonez chiar eu.Afara,intr'o scara unde neonul a incetat sa mai palpaie,lacrimi de sange se scurg pe o portiune de beton rece.De acum trebuie sa fie rece...
Gol.Sunt doar eu...si o melodie.E doar ea...poate sunt si eu.Sunete verzi,turnate in taina dintr'un pian mare,carbonizat,imi aduc mici zane sprintene ,cu un miros putred ,de hoit ,ce se spala in acorduri fine de negru si cu aripile lor micute ma stropesc din cand in cand;poate prea des.
O luna stranie spanzurata de tavan.E rosie.Arunca mici pete de sunet alb pe peretii camerei mele.Camerei mele negre.Nu'mi place.Nu vreau!De ani de zile tot incerc sa o dau jos...le'am spus pana si paianjenilor sa o acopere in panza lor neagra de matase.Mai nou sunt doua.Doua luni.Lumi.Rosii.Aruncand mici pete de sunet alb pe peretii camerei mele.
Si e frig.Si toate's reci.
Usa nu mai exista de mult.Ies.Holul lung,intunecat,imi crucifica demonii in oglinda de la capatul sau...
O scandura in forma de “T”,un om si niste cuie.E inutil acum.
Inaintez,zgaraind peretele cu pene de paun care scot sunete metalice,indulcindu'mi pasii in ritmul unui vals morbid.Ma opresc.Un ceas.Din el se scurg bucati de carne care,ajungand pe podea,anunta miezul noptii.Tac si trec...
Ajung.Ma apropii de ea...de ei...de mine.Respiratia mea ii mangaie,lasand o urma de iubire pe chipul lor argintat.Demonii.Ei sunt cei care,in fiecare dimineata imi aduna cu o grebla chipurile vechi din oglinda.
E tarziu si vreau sa ma intorc.Trec pe langa copacul din dreapta in care stau atarnate capetele papusilor copilariei mele;le'am pus acolo si acum se decompun.Celula cu celula.Stiu ca intr'o zi vor creste mici flori albastre din ele.Pana atunci le urasc.Vor creste mai repede asa...
Mici floricele albastre hranite cu ura.Florile cui...?Baudelaire...?Dar e frig si vreau sa ma intorc.
Intru.Umbre negre se ascund.De ce plecati?Nu plecati...nu plecati.
Gol.Rece.Si tarziu.
Palpaie suspinad un felinar ce acompaniaza cu socuri de lumina cadavrele ce trec rar pe strada si se pierd in noapte.Multe cauta companie-sunt atat de singure ,alunecand pe frunzele galbenului pastos si greu al toamnei-altele trec in grupuri galagioase,cautand placere.Orgii,crime,durere si ud.
...aceasta noapte apocaliptica,monotona si plictisitoare...
Un inger se scalda afara,in noroiul din baltoace;se admira si rade ranjind,miscandu'se spasmatic prin materia cleioasa.Fericire.Opium.Paradis promis.
Si e ultima noapte.
Ma intorc insirandu'mi pasii de'a lungul camerei,lasand mici urme de amintire vascoasa in urma mea si desenez aceiasi melodie cu acorduri verzi -demonice- ce anunta inca un viol...
Ma asez langa copacul din hol,asteptand.Si cant...
Stiu ca intr'o zi vor creste mici flori albastre din el.Stiu.
Si cant.
Caci e ultima noapte...
l'am gasit ascuns prin foldere.Si mi'e dor de zile de toamna.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

M'am intors cu foarte multe amintiri frumoase si cu o pofta nebuna de a face fotografie.Am vazut niste copii din Botosani care au participat la sectiunea teatru si mi'au placut enorm de mult.Sper ca au luat si premiu.Mi'au placut si cei de la Improvisneyland pe care sper sa'i revad candva (de preferinta la Braila) si de asemenea,toti copiii care au participat.Pentru ca erau frumosi,pentru ca erau la un festival dedicat artei,pentru ca erau cei mai buni.
Multumesc LicArt pentru increderea data.In mine si in fotografia mea.
Multumesc lui Radu Herjeu pentru ca a dat viata acestui festival admirabil din toate punctele de vedere.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Of course,they somehow figured it out that it'll be rather hot...so they decided to do it at night.
Go back to bed America.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meanwhile,am de dat un examen de permis auto (azi am condus pentru prima data btw...),de facut 200 de crochiuri pana la 1 septembrie(sau mai devreme) si multe alte chestii.Asa ca nu va asteptati la prea multe postari.Asta daca chiar imi citeste cineva blogul.Daca nu,va inteleg.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
just an innocent thought.
Can someone please explain to me why the fuck all the girls that I have photographed put MY bloody pictures on their websites without mentioning who the fuck is the author?And without asking first?
I really don't want to be rude or impolite and so on but I am sick indeed of finding my work on different hi5 profiles - none of them being mine,of course.
And isn't such a big coincidence that all these girls always forget to mention WHO,indeed,OWNS the picture?Haven't they heard about copyrights?
The fact that you are in the picture doesn't worth a thing!If that someone would not been able to see and capture that something in you,the photo you are now receiving such good comments on would not exist.I am not saying that I am such a well'known photographer (not yet...) to actually sue you for this,but maybe one day I will.
And speaking about the comments,may I say that all of them (well,mostly) refer to the artwork itself,not the model?"Such a great picture,the photographer really knows to pull that out of you" and,what do you know?I am never mentioned.
I am seriously thinking about buying myself a gun.
And I can assure you that I have no plans for suicide.
Thank you,my fellow readers,for agreeing with me once again.
I really don't want to be rude or impolite and so on but I am sick indeed of finding my work on different hi5 profiles - none of them being mine,of course.
And isn't such a big coincidence that all these girls always forget to mention WHO,indeed,OWNS the picture?Haven't they heard about copyrights?
The fact that you are in the picture doesn't worth a thing!If that someone would not been able to see and capture that something in you,the photo you are now receiving such good comments on would not exist.I am not saying that I am such a well'known photographer (not yet...) to actually sue you for this,but maybe one day I will.
And speaking about the comments,may I say that all of them (well,mostly) refer to the artwork itself,not the model?"Such a great picture,the photographer really knows to pull that out of you" and,what do you know?I am never mentioned.
I am seriously thinking about buying myself a gun.
And I can assure you that I have no plans for suicide.
Thank you,my fellow readers,for agreeing with me once again.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It's over.It's finally over.
S'a terminat clasa a 11'a,si pot sa jur ca nu credeam sa ma mai vad in vacanta.La anul astept un nou (sau vechi) director (probabil unicul) al Lic.de Arta si intru in vacanta stiind ca la anul cativa profesori si colegi dragi nu vor mai fi pe acolo.
Examenul Cambridge a trecut peste mine lasandu'mi amintirea unei experiente extraordinare intarind in acelasi timp un vis mai vechi.
Seria cartilor Harry Potter s'a terminat cu cartea 7 pe care am inchis'o acum 1 ora.Recunosc cu mandrie ca fac parte (si) din generatia Harry Potter.E minunat sa cresti odata cu aparitia cartilor si e un pic trist cand sa incepi sa citesti ultima carte.
But it doesn't matter that much.
Astept cu nerabdare sa vad ce'mi pregateste vacanta.
(Stiu sigur ca 1 saptamana intreaga o voi dormi cap'coada in ciuda parintilor mei care vor incerca sa ma trezeasca.They're the ones who have to wake up at 6 a.m - Revenge at last!)
The only thing that matters is the unpredictable.
melodia e din categoria "repeat one" din player.
S'a terminat clasa a 11'a,si pot sa jur ca nu credeam sa ma mai vad in vacanta.La anul astept un nou (sau vechi) director (probabil unicul) al Lic.de Arta si intru in vacanta stiind ca la anul cativa profesori si colegi dragi nu vor mai fi pe acolo.
Examenul Cambridge a trecut peste mine lasandu'mi amintirea unei experiente extraordinare intarind in acelasi timp un vis mai vechi.
Seria cartilor Harry Potter s'a terminat cu cartea 7 pe care am inchis'o acum 1 ora.Recunosc cu mandrie ca fac parte (si) din generatia Harry Potter.E minunat sa cresti odata cu aparitia cartilor si e un pic trist cand sa incepi sa citesti ultima carte.
But it doesn't matter that much.
Astept cu nerabdare sa vad ce'mi pregateste vacanta.
(Stiu sigur ca 1 saptamana intreaga o voi dormi cap'coada in ciuda parintilor mei care vor incerca sa ma trezeasca.They're the ones who have to wake up at 6 a.m - Revenge at last!)
The only thing that matters is the unpredictable.
melodia e din categoria "repeat one" din player.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pana voi avea cont acolo,iata'ma aici.Voi avea vre'o 3 bloguri pana ma voi decide sa raman la unul,asta e sigur.
Ca prima postare,o poza de la Sibiu cu Liv Pintileasa si Emi Oprea.
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